What is Unlisted Equity?
Unlisted shares are the shares of the companies which are not listed on any stock exchange and thereby it is not traded publicly. The shareholders of such unlisted companies do not get the privilege which are available to the shareholders of companies listed on stock exchanges (i.e BSE/ NSE/ MSEI). Shares of unlisted companies may get listed in future on the stock exchanges. We facilitate trades in such unlisted shares by matching buyers and sellers thereby enabling liquidity to current shareholders and enabling new investors to participate in future growth of the company.

When it comes to investing in the unlisted equity, Indian investors face a huge gap in finding the right investment advice. SAHI ADVISORY helps them meet the gap. Our role is to help investors find the right avenues to channelise their funds.We all know that stock market investment is one of the best routes for long-term wealth accumulation. But the key is to find a genuine investment advisory like us who can guide you in finding your way in the unlisted equity.
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