Investors tend to assess their financial planning and make changes to the existing route of investment by focusing on smaller investments that could help in generating nearly fixed returns during the lean market conditions. Also, when opting for a suitable investment avenue, investors are advised to assess the product and see to that it matches with their risk profile and investment horizon.

When it comes to investing in gold/ Nps, Indian investors face a huge gap in finding the right investment advice. SAHI ADVISORY helps them meet the gap. Our role is to help investors find the right avenues to channelise their funds. NPS/Gold is popular as one of the low-cost investments with higher return benefits, NPS can be a good pick for you. The contribution can be minimal, but the higher compounding feature of these schemes helps the investor to enjoy considerable returns at the age of retirement.. But the key is to find a genuine investment advisory like us who can guide you in finding your way.
- Rupee cost averaging
- Power of compounding
- Disciplined investing
- Lighter on the wallet
- Convenience

Core Mutual Fund Portfolio

Principal Protection & Growth

Retire Confident